Friday 8 February 2008


有時候上網會看到一些小狗狗衣服, 逛街也會看到.
看見就很想要買回家... XD
昨天亂逛, 看見一件黑色的, 有小帽子, 背後有銀色的字.
之前買了粉紅色的, 小狗穿起來很可愛.

Dawn布丁胖妞就很乖, 都願意穿可愛衣服. (按這到Dawn的部落!)
彎彎的該該的很乖. 阿魯則像我家小狗...
我家狗狗, 也是只會很努力的把衣服給甩掉.
除非他看不見自己有穿衣服, 不然就只會整天搖來搖去的 -.-

不過比較適合 dachshund, 長長的身子適合當熱狗 :P


Saturday 13 October 2007


晚餐後跟B一起逛街~ 在 Gloria Jeans 買了一杯 Hula 飲料, pineapple and lime. 滿好喝的, 不過有點甜.

後來去逛書店. 看到一本有趣的旅遊書.
Eyewitness Guide to ??? (可惜真的忘了書名)

像是澳洲大陸, 也有一些不為人知的迷你執政區!

這些迷你執政區, 有自己的 coat of arms, national anthem, population, etc. 真的很特別. 我尤其記得一個叫 "Lovely" 的執政區. 範圍就只有國王的 apartment 那麼大而已, "地圖"上還寫著桌子, 床, 廚房的位置 =.=

國王名叫 Danny, 是美國的 comedian.....

感覺比較像笑話, 可是卻真的有這國家 ~"~
因為那本書的內容是 100% 真實.
有機會可以找看這本書看看, 笑一笑, 讓整個人也放鬆一下 XD

Friday 12 October 2007


想看舊版本比較一下的話, 按這.
新畫的卡通果然modern很多 :D
請注意小夫手上拿著的是 Nintendo DS!!

Thursday 11 October 2007


澳幣越來越強的樣子. 還以為快要掉下來了說.
誰叫美金變弱了~ 現在賺澳幣在亞洲很好花 :)
目前的匯率是 AUD 1 = USD 0.89

Wednesday 10 October 2007

ルーンファクトリー -新牧場物語

On Saturday night I've tried out the newest game of the Harvest Moon (HM) Franchise. It's called Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon (ルーンファクトリー -新牧場物語). The game is only available on the Nintendo DS.

Storyline from Wiki:
The game takes place exclusively in Kardia, a small city on the eastern tip of the Adonia continent that is surrounded by farmland. The game opens with the protagonist Raguna, wandering into town. Starved and dehydrated, he collapses in front of the house of a landowner named Mist. With no idea who he is or where he came from, Raguna suffers from amnesia.

Mist discovers him outside her home, fetches him food and water, and because he doesn't know his name, they both decide to name him "Raguna" (changeable). Afterwards, Mist offers Raguna a house on her land if he promises to work the farm. Raguna accepts, and this is where the game begins.

From then on, the game is very open ended. The player can work on the farm, fish, or explore the caves in the wilderness around Kardia. The player can propose to some of the eligible girls in town, capture monsters, and expand the player's house. The game's plot mostly revolves around the monster-infested caves and mountains around Kardia, which the goal is to fight through them and defeat the bosses at the end of each cave. As the story progresses, more and more caves open up, and the player gradually learns more about who is causing this influx of monsters.

Monday 8 October 2007

ドラえもん登場の思い出 未来の国からはるばると

Doraemon初次登場的回憶~~ 我們家以前有原始的漫畫故事, 可是自從高中借出去以後就不見了... 唉.... 幸好現在有動畫可以看 :)

"ドラえもん登場の思い出 未来の国からはるばると "

Sunday 7 October 2007

電影: A Bug's Life

上星期給學生看 A Bug's Life 這部電影, 可是之後一整個禮拜自己都沒時間看, 而我又從來沒看過. 昨晚終於有機會看了!

小螞蟻滿可愛的. 比 Antz (電影) 的螞蟻生動. 也許這就是Disney的特色吧! 內容講說 nest 的其中一隻螞蟻 Flik 不喜歡傳統的方法, 喜歡發明一些新的道具來幫忙. 可惜常常"撞板". 到有一天把草蜢惹氣了, 整個 colony 陷入危機. Flik 負責代表所有螞蟻出去找別的昆蟲來幫忙, 其他螞蟻卻是想說利用這個機會把他趕走.... 故事就這樣繼續發展下去.

故事有幾個 morals. 第一, 團結就是力量!! 第二, 人要勇於嘗試, 才會有進步. (應該還有其他morals?)

不過呢, 在這麼多的 Pixar animation 當中, 我還是最喜歡 Finding Nemo 和 Monsters Inc. 動畫和內容都很棒!